Tuning Hilliard Inferno, Flame, and Fire Clutches for Briggs LO206 Racing

In the competitive world of Briggs LO206 racing, every component of your go-kart must be fine-tuned for optimal performance. One crucial element is the clutch, specifically the Hilliard Inferno and Flame clutches, which are popular choices among racers. Properly tuning these clutches can significantly impact your kart's performance, giving you an edge on the track. In this blog post, we'll explore the mechanics of tuning a Hilliard Inferno and Flame clutch, the role of different springs and shoe weights, and how to use data loggers like Mychron or Unipro to find the optimal settings.

At Rev Performance Materials we carry a full line of Hilliard Clutches and Accessories.

To properly tune your clutch and be able to test a variety of settings we highly recommend the Inferno Tuning Kit which gives you a full set of different springs and weights so can fully customize and optimize your clutch. 

Understanding the Hilliard Inferno and Flame Clutches

The Hilliard Inferno and Flame clutches are centrifugal clutches, which engage based on engine RPM. Tuning these clutches involves adjusting the engagement point and the overall performance characteristics to match your racing style and track conditions.

The Role of Springs

The springs in a centrifugal clutch determine the RPM at which the clutch engages. By selecting different springs, you can control the engagement point of the clutch:

  • Stiffer Springs: Increase the engagement RPM, causing the clutch to engage at higher engine speeds. This is useful for tracks with longer straights where higher RPM engagement can provide better acceleration out of corners.

  • Softer Springs: Decrease the engagement RPM, causing the clutch to engage at lower engine speeds. This can be beneficial for tracks with tight corners and shorter straights, where earlier engagement can provide smoother power delivery.

Adding Weights to the Shoes

The clutch shoes in the Hilliard Inferno and Flame clutches can be adjusted by adding weights. These weights affect how quickly the clutch engages and how much torque it can handle:

  • More Weight: Adding weight to the shoes increases the centrifugal force, causing the clutch to engage more aggressively and at a lower RPM. This can provide quicker acceleration but may lead to increased wear on the clutch components.

  • Less Weight: Reducing weight on the shoes causes the clutch to engage more smoothly and at a higher RPM. This can be useful for maintaining traction and preventing wheel spin, especially on slick or wet tracks.

Why Tuning the Clutch is Essential

Tuning your clutch is essential for several reasons:

  1. Optimized Performance: Proper clutch tuning ensures that your engine's power is being effectively transferred to the wheels, maximizing acceleration and overall performance.

  2. Adaptability: Different tracks and racing conditions require different clutch settings. By tuning your clutch, you can adapt to varying track layouts, surfaces, and weather conditions.

  3. Longevity: Correct tuning reduces unnecessary wear and tear on the clutch components, extending the life of your clutch and reducing maintenance costs.

Determining Optimal Settings with Data Loggers

Data loggers like Mychron or Unipro are invaluable tools for tuning your clutch. These devices provide detailed data on your kart's performance, helping you make informed adjustments:

RPM Data

Monitoring RPM data is crucial for understanding when your clutch is engaging and how it affects your kart's performance. Look for:

  • Engagement RPM: Check the RPM at which the clutch engages. Adjust the springs and weights to fine-tune this engagement point for optimal performance on your specific track.

  • Consistency: Ensure that the clutch engages consistently at the desired RPM across multiple laps. Inconsistent engagement can indicate the need for further tuning or maintenance.

Lap Times and Performance Metrics

Analyze your lap times and other performance metrics to determine the effectiveness of your clutch settings:

  • Acceleration: Evaluate how quickly your kart accelerates out of corners. Adjust the clutch settings to improve acceleration without sacrificing traction.

  • Cornering: Check how the clutch engages during cornering. Smooth engagement can help maintain control and speed through tight turns.

Optimal Clutch Settings for Briggs LO206 Racing

While the optimal clutch settings can vary based on track conditions and personal preference, here are some general guidelines for tuning a Hilliard Inferno and Flame clutch for Briggs LO206 racing:

  • Springs: Start with a medium-stiffness spring and adjust based on the track layout. For tracks with longer straights, stiffer springs may provide better performance. For tracks with tight corners, softer springs may be more effective.

  • Weights: Begin with a moderate weight setup and adjust as needed. Adding weights can improve acceleration but may require softer springs to balance the engagement point.

  • RPM Monitoring: Use your data logger to monitor RPM data and adjust the springs and weights to achieve consistent and optimal engagement RPM.


Tuning your Hilliard Inferno and Flame clutch for Briggs LO206 racing is a critical step in optimizing your kart's performance. By understanding the role of springs and weights, and utilizing data loggers like Mychron or Unipro , you can fine-tune your clutch settings for any track condition. Proper tuning not only enhances performance but also extends the life of your clutch, ensuring you remain competitive on the track. Remember, attention to detail and continuous adjustment are key to unlocking your kart's full potential.

Pick up your Hilliard Clutches and Accessories as well as the Inferno Tuning Kit from Rev Performance Materials and start testing to find the optimal set up for your track. 

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